Practicing our training.
A whole month has now passed since the tiny puppy that was Bounce joined us – wow!
He’s grown so much and is now a whopping 10kg!
We had a heelwork practical at the Medical Detection Dogs headquarters in Great Horwood this week. It was so good and we both learnt a lot, although Bounce got very tired towards the end so we sat out the last few exercises – he is still a baby afterall!
We also had a playdate with fellow Medical Detection Dog puppy Riley. As you can see, he’s much older and bigger than Bounce and due to be matched very soon, but that didn’t stop them getting on like a house on fire!

We also went along to a presentation being done at my daughter’s school. Bounce behaved very well (thank goodness!) and Sonia, the presenter did a great job of explaining to the children just what Medical Alert dogs do…

We’ve been practicing some of the things we learnt at our lesson at home in the garden.
Bounce is now a superstar at ‘leave’ and will walk past bowls of food with only a little prompting – pretty amazing for a very food orientated Labrador!!
Our own dog, Dillon is brilliant too of course… although the cat needs further work!!

Bounce and the cat, Wellie, both enjoyed hoovering up the scattered kibble at the end though!
And he and Dillon shared a tasty bone too.

Not surprisingly, Bounce has been very tired after all this hard work – now if only I could train him to lie on a bed properly too!!