Hearing new sounds.
There’s been lots going on this week at home. The plumber has been back to finish our downstairs shower room and put some electrics in the ceiling so there’s been lots of drilling, banging and cutting. Bounce hasn’t been bothered at all by the noise and has enjoyed all the attention he gets from the people coming to the house.
As Bounce was so settled I thought it was time to introduce him to the hoover (I ran out of excuses not to do it!!) All went well with that and Bounce really wasn’t bothered at all!
As that had gone so well I thought I’d let him meet the lawnmower… it couldn’t have gone more smoothly – this dog is bomb proof!!
I’ve also been drying my hair downstairs so that he can get used to that (I keep upstairs dog free most of the time) Bounce finds it all very boring!
We’ve also had lots of fun with some packing material in the garden – good old cardboard boxes!!