If you would like to join in with any of these, please get in touch! There is free entry for volunteers except for the Suffolk Dog Day.
The Welly Walk at Great Notley Country Park – we need as much help as we can get! Lots of roles like ‘walking marshalls’ who will walk round the route with the walkers, and a few to follow behind. Also we will have some stalls there that need manning and people to help set up or put away – setting up from 12:45, walk starts at 1:30 and the event finishes at 4.
Amazing job of covering talks across the region! Thank you everyone who has spread the word about MDD
If you would like to advertise locally to find more groups interested in having an MDD talk, let me know and I can send you some posters to put out physically or virtual ones to go on Facebook groups!
If you want to discuss any Fundraising ideas – having a stall at local fetes, hosting a local quiz, or organising your own MDD event – please get in touch. I would be happy to support you in the ideas in any way I can.