We sometimes require full-time foster families to look after one of our Bio-Detection Dogs. These dogs live in the home environment as a general pet dog but have special qualities that we wish to use. They will need to be transported to our centre up to 4 times a week for periods of time when they are involved in training for particular projects. This is mainly a long term commitment, but we do need foster homes for shorter periods of time on occasions. In return you will receive the general enjoyment and rewards of looking after a special dog. We provide food and equipment for the puppy and cover all veterinary costs.
If you can provide a loving home environment to one of these dogs and are willing to transport the dogs to our centre when required then please attend an information session to find out more. Our information sessions for the recruitment of socialisers and fosterers are currently taking place via Zoom. Please register your interest in attending one of these session via [email protected] and we will be delighted to book you onto a session.